American Proverbs

Proverb of the day :- The Mills Of God Grind Slowly, But They Grind E…

Proverb of the day :- The Mills Of God Grind Slowly, But They Grind E…

Meaning / example :-
God is omnipotent and omnipresent and sees everything we do, good and bad, even down to the smallest details. Nothing goes unnoticed and we will be rewarded or punished for our good or bad deeds sooner or later. A mill grinds corn into flour; all the pieces of corn that go in the mill comes out later as small particles of flour. This proverb is not terribly common and isn’t used in everyday language. However, it may be used by some religious people, intellectuals or perhaps a character in a movie. The proverb could be used as a warning or assertion that God sees all, or in hindsight as an explanation for supposedly being punished or rewarded by God.